Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wash Day: Week 26

Hello Friends, 

Has it really been two months since I've done a wash day update!? 

I started doing something different in this wash day that I think I'll stick to from now on. 1. Before "washing" my hair I added pure coconut oil, aloe vera juice mixed with water and my deep conditioner, which this week was the Macadamia Oil Deep Repair Masque. I left this mixture on my hair for about a hour probably closer to 40 minutes before washing it out. 

The reason why I wanted to do this is because I knew it would leave my hair feeling baby soft and it sure did. The coconut oil trapped in the aloe vera juice that I put on my hair first and the deep conditioner added additional moisture and nutriments that my hair desperately needed after being in the sun for so long.  

2. I then conditioned my hair with my trustee Design Line conditioner, I don't think I'll know what to do once they get rid of this stuff. So in the meantime, if it ain't broke don't fix it. 

3. At this point my mom's voice popped into my head and I figured I should really go about detangling my hair. Guys I have not put a brush to my head since doing the BC so I was a little scared, however I picked up a "knockoff" denman brush by Goodie at walmart a few months ago and haven't used it so figured "why not". DETANGLING. WAS. A. BREEZE. It was a bit gross to see 2 months worth of shed hair that I thought I got out with a comb but my head feels so much lighter now.  

4. I then washed out my conditioner, air dried my hair after towel drying and adding in my leave ins (leave-in conditioner and a mixture of oils that I'll make another post about in the next weeks)

My routine is so much simpler now that I've cut my hair off. It takes some getting used to when I go about moisturizing/ detangling my hair which I'll go into more detail on in a later post with seeing more hair then I would as a relaxed head but being almost two months natural it's been a breeze, I wish I big chopped sooner. 

So without further adieu here's my hair just shy of being relaxer free for 3 months. (I sure am due for another trim to get the rest of the little bits of relaxer off. Also this was taken after putting in my leave-ins)  

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Product Review: Shea Moisture

Hello Friends, 

So this review is really long overdue, I've been using this product for about 4 months now and I think I've gotten a pretty good grasp on how I like it even though I haven't hit the bottom yet. 

Price: $7 at Walgreens. (yay deals) 

IngredientsDeionized Water , Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter)* , Cocos Nucifera Oil (Coconut)* , Mangifera Indica (Mango) Seed Butter* , Persea Gratissima Oil (Avocado) , Olea Europaea Oil (Olive)* , Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract , Ammonium Salt (Conditioner) , Yucca Filamentosa Extract , Vegetable Protein , Adansonia Digitata Extract (Baobab) , Biotin , Panthenol (Vitamin B-5) , Rosemary Extract , Bamboo Extract , Sorbitol Esters , Caprylyl Glycol , Essential Oil Blend , Tocopherol (Vitamin E) , Lonicera Caprifolium Flower (Honeysuckle) , Lonicera Japonica Flower Extract (Honeysuckle) 

First off guys, this product smells AMAZING. I can't put my finger on what the smell is it's somwhat of a mixture of a Old Spice and a really nice smelling perfume. I can't say that my hair really likes this when I'm not using heat during DC but it just sits on my hair, both relaxed and natural. The curly texture of my hair doesn't respond to this very well and the looser curls will drink this up (sigh). 

This does have a bit of protein in it so that may be the reason however when it's washed out of my hair it felt extra soft and fluffy and the smell lingered but was not as overpowering as it's initial application.  Even though I like this product I won't pick this up again. The cottage cheese like consistency is a bit too much for my hair but for some this could work wonders. I would go more for the other deep conditioner in their line over this one. 

Friday, June 6, 2014


Hello Friends, 

I'm terribly sorry about my lack of posting. Let's just say that school and moving take a tool on your desire to update a blog. I'll be back on my game in the next week or so. I've got a lot of new things to tell you guys including some tips that I found work for my hair AND pictures of my hair finally. 

Stay tuned 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Did I just big chop!?

Hello Friends, 

So as I closed another chapter in my big book of life I've finally made a decision. After weeks of straddling the fence on the infamous big chop something magnificent happened; on March 10, I've finally made up my mind.

The 10th was a interesting day, I washed my hair, which is up here. Then afterwards my boyfriend came over. Now I've been talking about cutting my hair for a while now and I always always stuck on two dates: the end of may or the end of july. One date would set me at "exactly" 3 months and the other would be at about 5. I felt comfortable and also afraid of doing the chop.

After going on and on about just getting a haircut my boyfriend said well since you keep jumping from one to the other let's just do it tonight. And quite honestly it scared the LIQUID outta me.. no seriously, I looked like a deer in headlight.

It's funny how things change, three hours later I re-wet my hair, dragged my boyfriend into the bathroom and said "I'm doing this". I wish I took pictures during it because I went from coller bone length front hair with neck length back, to a bowl cut and then a spiky TWA.

Guys if you're gonna BC with scissors PLEASE go to either a natural salon/ salon with someone natural in it or a barbershop because after getting nothing but compliments I went to a salon and felt absolutely disgusting she laughed at my hair just didn't understand what I did and why she basically scolded me for doing something healthy for my hair. The same day however my mother and I saw one of her friends that have BEAUTIFUL natural hair shaped my fro up and gave me wonderful tips and honestly I feel more attractive then I ever have, my facial structure has changed and I'm glad I didn't wait to chop, I love my hair and this is what this site is about #loveyourhair 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Wash Day: Week 19

Hello Friends, 

Sorry about not having a wash day last week, my finals were last week and with the stress of everything going on I opted not to wash my hair last week soo on with this weeks wash day 

1. I mixed things up this week because my hair was breaking off like nobodies business so I pre-pooed with grapeseed over and a bit of moroccan Argan oil to combat the lack of moisture my hair had and after leaving it in my hair for about 20 minutes my hair felt AMAZING, this my be a recurring thing in my wash day, I enjoy this a lot more then the first time I tried doing this.   

2. Then decided to use a instant moisturizing conditioner from Design Essentials and boy did it work after washing it out my hair felt silky and smooth. 

3. Due to the fact of having too much breakage for comfort I used It's a 10 deep conditioner plus keratin as a protein treatment to try and combat that issue, it did seem to work after using the hot head heating cap to over the recommend time on the bottle.  

4. Then I added my leave ins, a bit of castor oil mix, blow-drying milk and grapeseed oil. 

5. My hair is at a awkward place right now due to the fact that my nape is completely fluffy and curly/straight while the front is still straight so I'm still at a lose on what to do with it. However it's soft and feels moisturized and that's what matters.   

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Monthly Goals-May

Hello Friends!

This post is completely belated, darn finals week. However I think reducing the monthly goals was a good things last month. I've really been loving doing the castor oil massages and have found that the mixture I've made is really good at combating the flakes that pop up inbetween wash days. I still haven't used the tea as much as I want to just due to the practicality of sharing a bathroom with four other girls sooo, not my fault. :P And my nape is completely natural at the moment or at least it's acting like it is because it is completely shrinked and curly so I have about 3/4 of a inch of hair back there yaya!

Goal 1. Castor Oil massages! 
Goal 2. Use Tea Rinses once a month 
Goal 3. Baby that nap!

Anywho I have set up just three goals this month on the eve of my decision to go natural. 

Goal 1. Do my first protective style 
Goal 2. Do tea rinses finally
Goal 3. Trim my hair 

See ya'll next month!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wash Day: Week 17

Hello Friends, 

So it took me a while but I finally figured out that my hair is protein sensitive and that if I'm using a protein based conditioner/shampoo to follow up with something super moisturizing anyway on to the wash. 

1. I used the ultimate radiance shampoo once again, I guess if it works don't kick it. The only difference I did this week is I only shampooed on section of my hair because that area was pretty itchy, originally I was going to use ACV just just opted to use this because I wasn't using one of the regular shampoos I usually do.   

2. This part is where the wash turned bad, I decided to use a combo of two different Shea Moisture conditioners, the restorative and curl and shine. For what reason I have no idea but it was not good and my hair hated me for it. 

3. I didn't deep condition... *dumb move*

4. Then I added my leave ins, a bit of castor oil mix, and the Organix anti-breakage serum. 

5. After that I detangled again and went about air drying my hair in a low ponytail held together by bobbypins, which didn't take as long as the last time. 

MY HAIR WAS SO DRY, due to the protein I covered my hair with and didn't follow up with a nice deep conditioner filled with moisture. This was a wash day that I wanted to take my scissors and just cut everything off and start out fresh with my natural hair, which brings to mind the date I want to do the BC, it'll be a surprise, just in case I change my mind on how long I want to transition.