Friday, May 16, 2014

Did I just big chop!?

Hello Friends, 

So as I closed another chapter in my big book of life I've finally made a decision. After weeks of straddling the fence on the infamous big chop something magnificent happened; on March 10, I've finally made up my mind.

The 10th was a interesting day, I washed my hair, which is up here. Then afterwards my boyfriend came over. Now I've been talking about cutting my hair for a while now and I always always stuck on two dates: the end of may or the end of july. One date would set me at "exactly" 3 months and the other would be at about 5. I felt comfortable and also afraid of doing the chop.

After going on and on about just getting a haircut my boyfriend said well since you keep jumping from one to the other let's just do it tonight. And quite honestly it scared the LIQUID outta me.. no seriously, I looked like a deer in headlight.

It's funny how things change, three hours later I re-wet my hair, dragged my boyfriend into the bathroom and said "I'm doing this". I wish I took pictures during it because I went from coller bone length front hair with neck length back, to a bowl cut and then a spiky TWA.

Guys if you're gonna BC with scissors PLEASE go to either a natural salon/ salon with someone natural in it or a barbershop because after getting nothing but compliments I went to a salon and felt absolutely disgusting she laughed at my hair just didn't understand what I did and why she basically scolded me for doing something healthy for my hair. The same day however my mother and I saw one of her friends that have BEAUTIFUL natural hair shaped my fro up and gave me wonderful tips and honestly I feel more attractive then I ever have, my facial structure has changed and I'm glad I didn't wait to chop, I love my hair and this is what this site is about #loveyourhair 

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