Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Monthly Goals-May

Hello Friends!

This post is completely belated, darn finals week. However I think reducing the monthly goals was a good things last month. I've really been loving doing the castor oil massages and have found that the mixture I've made is really good at combating the flakes that pop up inbetween wash days. I still haven't used the tea as much as I want to just due to the practicality of sharing a bathroom with four other girls sooo, not my fault. :P And my nape is completely natural at the moment or at least it's acting like it is because it is completely shrinked and curly so I have about 3/4 of a inch of hair back there yaya!

Goal 1. Castor Oil massages! 
Goal 2. Use Tea Rinses once a month 
Goal 3. Baby that nap!

Anywho I have set up just three goals this month on the eve of my decision to go natural. 

Goal 1. Do my first protective style 
Goal 2. Do tea rinses finally
Goal 3. Trim my hair 

See ya'll next month!

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