Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wash Day: Week 3

Hello Friends,

This wash week is coming early because I had to go out of town and wouldn't have the correct amount of time to wash my hair during that time like I would want. Pictures will be added at a later date. 

Products Used:
  • Silk Elements Megasilk Olive Moisturizing Treatment

  • Shea Moisture Curl & Shine Shampoo
  • Ultimate Radiance Conditioner  
  • Healthy Sexy Hair Leave-in Condition  
  • Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Renewal     
  • Coconut Oil
  • Chi Heat Protection


1) Unlike last weeks post, which you can see here, I decided to forgo pre-pooing my hair. I believe that the excessive greasy feelings I got after I posted the blog was due to excess oil. So I just went about shampooing with the Shea Moisture shampoo and also as a experiment I washed my hair in the shower facing the correct way rather then going the sink method. The sink method encourages tangles and matted hair, and the detangling process last week was terrible and I did lose a lot of hair. I followed up by using the Ultimate Radiance Conditioner.  

2) After shampooing and conditioning I put the Silk Elements Deep Conditioner all over my hair. Also different I broke out my families unused and unseen portable hair dryer and sat under that bad boy for 10 minutes. The results of this recent change was great, my hair was soft and bouncy, I guess my hair loved the added moisture. I washed then product out. I won't be using the dryer again however, because I blew a fuze so I think that'll be staying where it has been. 

4) Next up was detangling, put my leave-in conditioner, Chi heat protector and coconut oil mixture in my hair and after my hair dried to about 85%, blow dried my hair on completely cold air and at the end to smooth down my ends used warm air until it felt pretty dry and smooth. 

5) And for the first time in about a month, I flat ironed my hair. 

    Before this wash, my hair had a dramatic drop in breakage, during and after this wash I noticed my hair was still breaking off a little bit but not as much as it has been in the previous two washes. My hair has a nice sheen over the roots, so I hope it stays that way until the next wash day. It is significantly softer and has a lot more movement so I think I have to switch up my deep conditioners to not overload the amount of protein. My ends are also great and soft. This was a successful wash day. YAY!

    This the results, not much of a difference considering it has only been a few days since the last wash.

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