Saturday, January 11, 2014

Finding the balance!?

Hello Friends, 

I guess I can start this post off by saying I have a problem that I haven't quite gotten the hang of yet. I'm sure that I have a protein overload in my hair and I'm not quite focusing on actually moisturizing my hair quite like I think I am. I know now that I have this problem from a little bit of research. 

Having too much protein causes my hair, and most others, to do these things

After washing the hair feels brittle, hard, rough
There is no elasticity (dry or wet)
"Fake feeling of moisture when wet"  only to be robbed once dry

I had this problem before when I started to do egg rinses, but after I stopped it calmed down. It seems to me that my hair cannot stand a lot of protein and it is best when the products I put in are very minimal. I can say it was possibly the new shampoo and conditioner I used in week two's wash day. But after further consideration I probably didn't properly moisturize, or the beginning of pre-pooing had a lot of buildup causing the weighed down feeling. In the following weeks I'll try to combat my issue, because it is making my hair look matted, gross and wrong. Basically it does not look healthy to the eye, but I believe I can come back from this minor set back. Moisture- Protein ratio is something everybody should learn on their journey. 

So my tips for right now are:

   Using a moisturizing shampoo 
Continue to moisturize my hair with the coconut and argan oil
See how using a moisturizing deep conditioner works on my hair
Stop being so heavy-handed with the products used

1 comment:

  1. Hey. coconut oil can sometimes act like a protein, which can aid in protein overload. Stop using it for a a couple of weeks and see what happens. Continue using the argan oil, but to seal in moisture after using a water based moisturizer. Oils seal in moisture, they do not provide moisture themselves. Definitely get a purely moisturizing deep conditioner and aid your DC process with some heat. When your prepoo, use a cheapie moisturizing conditioner. And watch out for proteins in your leave in products. I have had protein overload, it is NO fun. Good luck!!!
