Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Getting Healthy Ends!?

Hello Friends, 

I've been contemplating cutting my hair again to get rid of the raggedy ends that have plagued me for a while now. As much as I want to say that I love my ends, I'm still not sure if they are healthy or if it's the lack of nap growth that I have. 

My entire nap is natural, which is weird considering I get that relaxed just the same as the rest of my hair, it is possible that the hair is disappearing because I wasn't wrapping, (my version of wrapping) my hair up and the way I sleep made it fall out. There would be nights that I'd just take out my buns and sleep so now that I think of it, that's probably why because I was sleeping directly on the weakest part of my head. (dumb) I suppose I'll check back each month, with a protect the nap checkup to see my progress. Hopefully it goes well because I've been making sure to baby and moisturize that area of hair the most.    

I've updated the way that I "wrap" my hair also. Instead of wrapping the scarf around my head, I just drape it over the pillow I'm sleeping on and lay like that. I enjoy the results better then wrapping. My hair feels more moisturized and bouncy then wrapped.  

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